AUSTRAL Biologicals Catalog: Proteins and Antibodies for Transcription Research Amine

We present these products in 2 categories:

Growth Factors, Cytokines, Receptors and their Antibodies

Polyclonal Antibodies (Cancer/Transcription Factors)Catalog #UnitPriceAvailabilityQuantity
Rabbit anti-Human N-Myc IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5001a-91mg$425Available
Rabbit anti-Human c-Myc IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5005a-91mg$425Available
Rabbit anti-Human L-Myc IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5010a-91mg$425Available
Rabbit anti-Human Poly[ADP-ribose] Polymerase-1 (PARP) IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5020a-91mg$425Available
Rabbit anti-Human SHPRH IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5025a-91mg$425Available
Rabbit anti-Human Kaiso IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyPT-5030a-91mg$425Available

Proteins and Antibodies for Transcription Research

Rabbit anti-Human Upstream Stimulatory Factor 1 (USF1) IgG fraction polyclonal antibodyTP-2001-91mg$425Available
All products are for research use ONLY in laboratory animals and in vitro testing. NOT for diagnostic or human use.

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